Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Frugal Living Tips

I found this website with tips for "frugal living", i thought it was helpful and I am passing it on!

- A brass paper fastener works as a screwdriver for the small screws on computers.

- Another effective method of flea control is to plug a night-light into an outlet and place a bowl under it that is filled with water and just a touch of dish detergent. The fleas will jump at the light and get stuck in the water. (The dish detergent prevents them from jumping back out.) It was less than a week and our (1700 sq ft) house was clear of fleas.

- I love Herb Tea, but it can be pretty expensive. I make my own. I use an ordinary store tea bag, steep in boiling water as usual, then I mix a little sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle about a teaspoon in my tea, and it is cinamonny delicious. The aroma of the cinamon is intoxicating. I just love it !!

- When soap gets to small to use - leave in hot water for a few minutes - then press firmly on the new cake of soap. No more soap being wasted

- Here's my tip for saving a penny or two. I keep a pair of scissors handy in the bathroom. When the toothpaste is "empty" I cut off the bottom and a small strip along the sides. I can usually get at least one more week out of what is still in the tube. I do a similar thing with other grooming items. If the container seems empty and can be opened with a pair of scissors, I go for it. With things like lotion, I take a recycled plastic bag and place it over the container to keep it from drying out.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved your tips for frugal living. I have one or two for you. when I buy meat, I find it's too much for just my husband and me. So I pick up some plastic produce bags from the store, put the portions I need per meal into each, and then into a zipper freezer bag. When the meat is used, I now have a clean zipper bag(free of meat juice!) ready to use again!

10:44 AM  

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