Thursday, July 31, 2008

Comaprison Shopping

Have you ever heard of Froogle?

Well, Froogle is the old name - the new name is Google Product Search.

It is a comparison shopping search engine, allows buyers to compare prices for various items all in one place.

Before you buy something online, do a quick search to see the best prices online.


Free SMS Message

If you want to send a Free SMS text to someone that has a Sprint Cell phone, you can send a sms text message quickly and easily from your computer from the Sprint website.

Just go to this link: Sprint SMS Text Messaging


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Monday, July 21, 2008

What Car, Life, and Travel Insurance Do You Really Need?

One important way to reduce your overall insurance costs is to avoid purchasing insurance policies that you do not need. So, which car insurance, life insurance, and travel insurance policies are not needed? The list of policies one may not need will be different for everyone because of the difference in individual risk. For example, someone who does not own a home would not need to purchase a homeowners policy because there is no risk to them of losing their home.

That is an obvious example, but there are times when one's risk is very small and suffering the consequences of the loss is a better risk than purchasing a policy. Below is a list of insurance policies that most people would not need to purchase for various reasons (reasons are listed when applicable):

Insurance to Avoid:

1. Comprehensive and collision coverage on your car insurance: This is not necessary for automobiles that have little or no value.

2. Maximum personal injury protection coverage (PIP) on your car insurance: If you have a when you have a good health insurance policy, your injuries should be covered. If you prefer some protection, just buy the minimum.

3. Roadside assistance: If you already belong to an automobile club like AAA, you don't need this included with your car insurance.

4. Mechanical breakdown insurance: If you currently own a new car or have a leased vehicle that is still under warranty, you don't need this added to your car insurance.

5. Rental car insurance: If you have a current full coverage policy, check with your agent to see whether you're covered. Also, check with your credit card provider - it may offer coverage if you use the card when renting.

6. Life insurance: If you are single and have no dependents (this includes avoiding life insurance for children!). Find out if your are covered through your employer.

7. Travel insurance: If your current health insurance policy covers you abroad, you probably don't need further coverage.

8. Extended Warranties on Appliances: In the end, these can cost more than just buying a replacement appliance.

9. Insurance on outstanding credit card balances: This type of insurance can be costly, and there are a lot of loopholes to go through before any benefit is paid.

10. Credit Insurance: This is voluntary insurance on your mortgage. A typical life insurance
policy would be a better option.

By avoiding the above policies, you will not reduce your risk and you still may experience a loss in any or all of the above categories, but the risk for most is so small it's just not worth the price of the insurance.
Bobbie Sage


11 Ways to Save on Your Homeowners Insurance

There are many ways to save with your homeowners insurance. You can print this list to use while shopping online or with a local agent.
Bobbie Sage

1. Car/Home Discount: Insuring your car and home with the same company often will give you a package discount. This is a good tool to use when shopping around. Usually the agent can tell you what percent the discount is for insuring your car and home together.

2. Deductible: Raising your deductible can lead to substantial savings. Furthermore, it is best to have a large deductible to prevent you from using your insurance for small claims since many insurance companies are now adding a surcharge to as little as one claim, and surcharges can range anywhere from 10-85% depending on how many claims you file during a given time period.

3. Home Security Systems: Special burglar alarms can prevent losses and therefore make your house less of an insurance risk. Most any type of security system will help give you a discount, but the type that directly responds to local police and fire departments are most likely going to give you the most discount.

4. Dead Bolt Locks: Most agents will ask you this, but check again to make sure you are not loosing a discount if you already have them. If you don't, it is well worth it. Dead bolt locks are very inexpensive compared to the possible insurance savings, but make sure all of your doors have them because usually the discount only applies if there are dead bolt locks on every door.

5. Smoke Alarms: Preventing a fire loss is important to you and especially to you insurance company. Claims due to fire are very expensive and insurance companies often will give an additional discount for even one fire alarm permanently fixed in the home. Please, even if your company does not offer a discount, take the time to install one anyway.

6. Sprinkler System: Well, this may come into some additional cost, but if you have considered adding a sprinkler system (the indoor type) this is just another reason to do so. This would also be a something to consider if you are buying a new home or have plans to build or remodel.

7. Non-Smoking Household: Insurers are trying to cut costs too therefore are looking for people to insure that pose the least risk. Since a lot of accidental fires are caused by smokers, insurance companies are often giving a discount for non-smoking households. To qualify you would probably need to have a home in which you don't let anyone else smoke in the home in addition to the homeowners being non-smokers.

8. Organization Affiliation: Many companies offer a discount for being affiliated with certain organizations. These can range from credit unions, college sororities, or just having a certain credit card. Call your service center and ask them for a list of the organization affiliation.

9. EFT Payments: Many companies are now charging up to $5.00 or more for mail payments, but sometimes nothing if you choose to have payments automatically deducted. And sometimes the deductions can come from your credit card, so you don't have to worry if the money will be in your bank account when payment time

10. Credit Rating: Yes, a lot of companies are checking your credit and basing your policy on what is found. Make sure you check to see if your credit is in good shape, and if it is not, you may want to seek out companies who do not do credit checks.

11. High Risk Property Insurance: Check with your state insurance commissioner if you feel you may be getting turned down for homeowners insurance or are paying ridiculously high premiums because your property may be a high risk such as in a high crime area. Your state may have an insurance plan especially for your high risk property that other insurers may be charging you an extremely high premium because of the higher than average risk.

12. Additional Discounts: There are many additional discounts that may be available such as a reduced senior rate or being in a gated condo. Make sure to sit down with your agent on a regular basis, preferably right before your policy renews, to see if there are any additional discounts available to you


Top Ways to Turn Your Current Car Insurance Into Cheap Car Insurance

Are you getting cheap car insurance? This list will help you obtain cheap car insurance - not cheap in terms of quality but easy on your wallet! Get your car insurance policy and compare your savings with this list to see if you are getting all of the savings you are entitled to, or print it out and use it when getting a new policy or obtaining an online car insurance quote.

Top Ways to Change Your Current Car Insurance into Cheap Car Insurance:

  • Get Theft Devices: Most new cars have theft devices. Some are automatic and some have to be started at the touch of a button, but all usually get discounts on car insurance. Also, some states provide extra discounts for such things as window sketching.

  • Ask for a Multiple Car Discount: Did you know sometimes insuring two cars can be the same price as insuring one? If not the same price, insuring another car usually does not cost as much as you may think. If you have two cars, it is very wise to check with your insurance agent, or while obtaining your online insurance quote, to make sure you can get this discount on your car insurance. Also, if you are planning to sell a second car, the cheap car insurance trick would be to keep that car on just liability to get your multiple car discount. Sometimes people are surprised when they call their car insurance company to take a car off of their insurance, only to find that their price did not go down but possibly increased!

  • Stick With Yearly Policies: Choosing a yearly policy can extend your savings on your car insurance. Purchasing a yearly policy instead of a six month policy gives you a rate that cannot be changed for one year vs. changing every six months.

  • Look Into Comprehensive Storage Coverage: If you are planning to store your car for any period of time, you can save on your car insurance by only keeping comprehensive coverage during the storage time. Since the car would be stored, it is very unlikely it will get in a collision or need the liability coverage.

  • Re-Check Your Mileage: This is a great way to get cheap car insurance: If you are really close to the "miles to work" break-off, you may want to check your mileage closely. When your car insurance company or insurance agent asks you "How many miles do you drive to work one way?" this is a crucial question that will designate you into a particular class. Each class can have significant differences in prices.

  • Look for a Group Discount: Many companies offer a discount on car insurance for being affiliated with certain organizations. These can range from credit unions, college sororities, or just having a certain credit card. Call your service center and ask them for a list of organization affiliations.

  • Lower Liability, Comprehensive, Collision, or Medical Payments Coverages: Of course, you can lower your basic coverages. Comprehensive and collision are probably the first to look at lowering by increasing your deductibles on your car insurance. Most vehicles that are on bank loans can have up to a $1000 deductible. Next, lowering your liability and medical payments could help, but only if you are having a hard time paying for your premium and is not recommended for general savings.

  • Make EFT Payments: Many car insurance companies are now charging up to $5.00 or more for mail payments, but sometimes nothing if you choose to have payments automatically deducted. And, sometimes the deductions can come from your credit card, so you don't have to worry if the money will be in your bank

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